Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Equine Rotation

So I am currently on my equine rotation and just finished my ICU rotation at the equine cottage and have another ICU rotation to go, which I start next Monday. The weekend ICU shift was not bad, there were 21 horses to be treated all through the night. There were loads of grass sickness cases and several colic cases that were on 2 hourly colic checks. There are two at the hospital at the moment which resent anything you do to them. Something as simple as listening to right ventral gut sounds will cause them to hop and kick! Very frustrating and a bit scary as well, especially since I am not used to working with horses! We had a horse yesterday that has been at the hospital for several weeks now. It ran into an electrical fence and managed to catch its lower lip in the fence. The lower lip became necrotic and we removed it yesterday. Whilst we were cleaning the lower lip, the horse decided to rear and leap towards everyone in the room. Was a bit stressful but the horse managed to calm down a bit afterwards. Today we did a sinoscopy today in a case that I have been leading all week. It was presented for bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge and had previous history of choke episodes that had since been resolved. On sinoscopy yesterday, there was quite a bit of purulent material in all of the sinuses. We placed a lavage tube and sutured it in place. Today we did the same to the opposite side and the horse loves to sneeze during sinus lavage. I was standing in front of the head today scoping the sinuses and he blew the saline we were lavaging with all over the front of me, with the majority of it going in my least he was nice and did it after we removed most of the purulent material and blood clots! I begin orthopedics next week, so that should be quite fun. I am flying back on December 2nd and will be in AZ until January 18th. Will be taking the NAVLE on December 6th! Looking forward to that 7.5 hour exam! Will be very happy to be done with it at 3.30pm that day! Well, I will try and update when I can but no promises. I have been extremely busy since the last posting. Hoping everyone is well and I will talk to you all soon!

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