Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Exam over...and now for a well deserved Christmas break!

I have not posted in quite some time as I have been studying nonstop for the past couple of months in preparation for the exam. Our examination was on cattle, sheep, fish, avian and some other topics. The exam was on Wednesday, the 14th at 9.30am. There were three essay questions and we had to answer two of the three. I answered the question on foot rot management in sheep and the other essay question that was on cattle reproduction. I felt that I knew the information well and answered the questions as best as I could. There were also 40 multiple choice questions that started off easy and then got increasingly harder as they started asking about fish, birds and pigs. Once it was over there was a huge weight lifted from my shoulders (and my brain). I ended up going to the pub with a group from class and then down to the Christmas market. I also ended up seeing 'The Thing' movie by myself to relax a bit. I can't tell you how good it feels to not have to go home and study constantly. I am now back in Arizona for Christmas for a month and it has been so nice to see everyone in the time that I have been back so far. The weather is SO much nicer than Scotland right now as the sun has been out and it has been about 65-70 degrees during the day. I will be doing some Christmas shopping tomorrow as I only need a few more presents and then I am finished. I am looking forward to a great Christmas with the family, although I wish Kristen and I were together for Christmas. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and don't drink too much egg nog!