Monday, October 31, 2011

CSU Externship

So Hills Science Diet is offering 5 bursaries worth £720 each for an externship to Colorado State University in our final year. I have finished filling out the application and am hoping I will get selected to go on this externship. It will be four weeks of working in whatever clinical rotation they put you in. I put down orthopaedic surgery for my preferred rotation. That would be grand if I am able to spend 4 weeks of orthopaedic surgery at CSU! I will be dropping off the application to the university tomorrow and will find out on December 1st.

On another exciting note...actually, I just said that to get you to keep reading. I really have nothing interesting going on right now other than sheep management and diseases of sheep. I am looking forward to our exotic lectures. The lecture book for the exotic lectures is 7 pages long...

Tomorrow lectures doesn't start until 11am, and I am finished at 5pm. There is a three hour gap in between the second and third lectures, so looks like I will be doing some reading up on sheep and cattle management. Sounds exciting, doesn't it??? Oh, and before I forget, HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY! Hope you are having an awesome day! For those of you at AHS, the costumes I have seen so far are awesome! Brian, why's the rum gone? Do you know what I am for Halloween? I'm a nerdy vet student studying in my room...

Well, I should be getting back to the notes here. Talk to you all soon! I am really going to try and update my blog more often now. I really had no excuse other than the fact that I had nothing exciting going on. So, check back frequently as I will be posting more pictures as well.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Target App for Phones

I just wanted to make a post about something I found quite useful for my iPhone. I believe that it also works for Android phones as well. This is for veterinarians to use in practice. The app is basically the Target Drug Book converted into a quick reference guide on your phone. If you look up "Target Veterinary" in your app store it will show up for download. It is completely free and is a great reference for use on antimicrobial drugs, their efficacy against the various pathogens associated with common conditions and their dosages. Back to studying!


Ok, so it's been over a month since I last updated my blog (according to Tanya and my blog). I really haven't had much to update about other than we have been sitting in on cattle lectures since classes began. We finished our last cattle lecture on Thursday and will be starting lectures on pigs, sheep and exotics for the next 4 weeks. The exam is in about 6 weeks, yikes! My birthday was on October 22nd and I did not go out for it. Instead, I sat in my room and watched some movies and got on Skype for a total of about 3 hours between, Kristen, Kristin, mom, grandma and grandpa. I went down to Starbuck's for 5 hours yesterday to study so that I could get out of my typical study environment (which is my room). Studying in my room constantly becomes very monotonous and boring so I have decided to take up studying at Starbuck's on the weekends. I was very productive yesterday and managed to get a lot of the notes converted into flash cards to study from.

I purchased my airline tickets to come back on December 15th -January 15th, so I will have a month in AZ to enjoy the nice weather and get some quality desert hiking in! My feet have missed the dry desert hiking and they were exposed to some harsh Scottish weather during those 4 days of hiking in the highlands. Hiking shoes made for Arizona = NOT good for hiking in the Scottish highlands.

Note: Arizona hiking shoes have breathable holes on the sides, which makes it easier for water to flow into the shoes...end result = wet feet for the remainder of the hike.

Well, there was my quick update. I have new pictures that I took down by the castle here and I will upload them as soon as possible. Hope everyone is doing well. Miss you all!